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life coaching for smart codependent women

Hello hello my love!

Can you believe we're about to hit our 200th episode of Feminist Wellness?!

Beatriz Victoria Albina host of the Feminist Wellness Podcast

Wowsas - how time flies when you're having fun

To celebrate, I’m doing a super exciting pretty darn big deal giveaway!

1st prize: 50 min coaching session with me (holy wow!!)

2nd prize: I will record a personal pep talk just for you on the topic of your choosing! Struggling with boundaries? Want to boost your self-confidence? Anchor in you and ventral vagal? I’m on it!

3rd prize: A seat in the next Breathwork group - on the house!

Our 200th episode is on Dec 15th and you’ve got until December 31st to enter.



To enter:

Click below to enter, leave a review and 5-star rating for the show on Apple Podcasts (that’s the best one for us!), and share, baby, share!

Got a mom, sister, friend, partner, co-worker, or just generally lovable acquaintance you think would love the show? Share it and get all those delicious points added up.

Winners will be chosen at random and will be emailed in the new year and announced on the show.

To be officially entered, fill out the form above and follow the instructional video that will appear!


Here's how to Follow and leave a Review from mobile:

  • To enter the giveaway, fill out the form above or click here, scroll down, and fill in your name and email. Then click ‘Enter to Win Now!’
  • Click the purple button that says ‘Follow, Rate & Review the Podcast’. This should bring up a pop-up with another purple button, click that purple button as well, this will take you to the Feminist Wellness podcast page in Apple Podcasts
  • Tap the ‘+’ on the top right corner to follow the podcast
  • Scroll down the page to the Ratings & Reviews section. Tap the stars to leave a rating.
  • Scroll down and tap ‘Write a Review’ to write your honest review NOTE: Be sure to remember the title of your review, you’ll need it for the next step.
  • Navigate back to the podcast giveaway page that says “Wait! You’re not done yet…” and enter the title of your review under ‘2 What’s the title of your review?’
  • Tap ‘Confirm’ and you’re in!
  • Share the giveaway on your favorite social platforms to earn more points, the 3 people with the most points win!



Here's how to Follow and leave a Review from a computer:

1. Follow on Apple Podcasts

To subscribe (now called "follow" the show) on Apple Podcasts, visit the Feminist Wellness podcast page and click on the purple "Listen on Apple Podcasts" button and then “Open Podcasts” button. This will launch Apple Podcasts on your computer and bring up the podcast.


Click on the “Follow” button! You can also listen to the podcast via Spotify, Stitcher, and anywhere else you get your podcasts from, but this giveaway is for Apple reviews because they provide the algorithm juice of visibility (ew. sorry about that visual).

2. Review the Podcast and Help Spread the Word about Feminist Wellness!

How to Review: Once you’ve listened to an episode or two, scroll to the bottom of the Feminist Wellness podcast page in Apple Podcasts to leave a review. Remember the title of your review so you can enter it in the form above!