Free Webinar: Somatics to Reclaim Your Authentic Self
Wednesday, September 18th at 7pm ET
connect to your intuition
When you are present in your body, you are able to ground yourself in new ways, to stay conscious, intentional, connected to your intuition, and you are able to pause to intervene and to advocate for yourself in real-time to help you:
Increase your awareness and self-trust so you never have to doubt yourself again
Make decisions with more ease when you’re choosing with your body, not just your mind
Set a boundary with less guilt and to stick to it when you get push-back
Recognize when you’re starting to get anxious, irritated, angry, frustrated or upset when it’s a 1/10 instead of a 473/10 so you can slow your roll and take care of yourself before you do or say something you regret
Feel more confidence and joy because you know what it feels like to have your own back
Speak your truth even when it’s soooo uncomfortable because you’ve learned how to sit with discomfort in new ways by being present with yourself
Codependent, perfectionist, and people-pleasing thinking keep us from living in our authenticity.
These thought habits are predicated on the idea that we’re not enough. That in order to be lovable, we must conform to fit other people’s expectations of us — or at least what we *think* their expectations are.
We fear that we’ll be disregarded, ignored, devalued, disrespected, or mocked.
So we hide ourselves away. Because burying your truth feels safer than experiencing painful rejection if you don’t have the tools to love up on yourself yet.
And then if and when we decide we're tired of hiding, we don't even know how to connect to our authenticity anymore because it’s just been SO LONG.
That was certainly true for me.
Is it true for you?
Join me on Wednesday, September 18th at 7pm ET for my Somatics to Reclaim Your Authentic Self webinar, where I’ll teach you how to connect to your authenticity using ALL of you — mind, body and spirit.
Are you ready to break free from the habit of chronically sourcing your self-worth from others?
For those of us with codependent, people-pleasing, and perfectionist thought habits, we’re so focused on other people that we lose touch with our own needs and desires.
Meanwhile, because we don't trust that we're worthy of love or care, we're constantly bracing ourselves for criticism, anticipating the worst outcome, and bashing ourselves for not being perfect.
We armor ourselves, mind and body, against the world.
These repeated thoughts have profound effects on our nervous system.
We stay tense, readying ourselves like a boxer preparing for the next blow.
Our brain gets the signal that we’re not safe, so we stay in fight or flight mode. Over time, this can manifest itself as chronic digestive issues, IBS, heartburn, intermittent depression, and anxiety.
And we become so out of touch with our bodies, that we start living from the neck up, trying to solve every problem by overthinking, ruminating, obsessing.
I lived this way for 30+ years, and whew, I can tell you that it’s no way to live.
When I started integrating somatics into my life, that all changed.
Now, I live with intention. I’m in control. I fully inhabit my body. I can choose my thoughts. I make decisions from a place of calm, connecting with the intuition that lives deep within my body.
Now, as a coach who helps others heal from their codependent habits, I’ve seen so many clients take back control of their minds and bodies.
And you can take back control of yours too.
And just who am I to help you?
Beatriz Victoria Albina, NP, MPH
Trained as a Nurse Practitioner in the best program in the country - UCSF.
Certified as a Life Coach with The Life Coach School.
Trained at the Sensorimotor Psychotherapy Institute as a coach.
Masters Degree in Public Health.
Nervous System Nerd with training in the body-mind connection and somatics or body-based healing techniques.
Certified Breathwork Meditation Healing Facilitator
Worked in health and wellness for 20 years.
Former Primary Care Provider in busy urban clinics.
Worked in public health internationally and here in the US.
Practiced cutting-edge Functional Medicine.
Worked as a Hospice Nurse at the SF Zen Center Hospice