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Hello hello my love! I'm so glad you're here.

I'm so excited to share the Top 4 Most Downloaded Episodes from the Feminist Wellness Podcast, where you'll learn:

Beatriz Victoria Albina life coach, podcaster
  • How to take your health and healing back into your own hands to release anxiety

  • What Codependency is and how it may be keeping you feeling anxious and stuck

  • How to connect with your Why, your motivation in life, polyvagal theory and how to regulate your nervous system

  • What real Self-Care is, and how to not need #selfcare by learning to manage your thoughts and feelings

What listeners are saying...


Beatriz Victoria doesn’t know me, but she loves me. I can feel it every time I listen in. I feel connected, comforted, and understood. She is like a clever, silly, fun friend who is so incredibly smart and she is literally as I live and breathe helping me through the biggest transformation of my life! As I navigate through being alone after 31 yrs in relationships, job changes, financial situations, homelessness, Beatriz Victoria is right there with me telling me exactly what I need to hear.

And because of her I suffer less.

"The medicine my soul truly needs"

I’ve been on my healing journey for 6 years. I’ve built a lot of foundation, but was finding that my moment-to-moment and day-to-day choices were not where I want to be. Her incredible knowledge and warm, compassionate, and dynamic personality have been a true gift. I am actually excited to grow and learn and slowly unpack all the phenomenal knowledge from this podcast. Rock on!

"Cognitive Candies and Soul Nourishing Medicine"

Cannot say enough about this awesome and unique blend of science goodness and magically affirming discussions. This podcast is filled with love and knowledge that continues to empower me to dive more deeply into self-love, self-care, and self-awareness. Beatriz Victoria is so generous in her sharing and clearly cares about providing her listeners with agency to better care for themselves so they have more to offer this world.

So nice to meet you, my love!

After almost 30 years of being sick and tired, I took my wellness into my own hands and learned how to heal myself by becoming a certified life coach, holistic Nurse Practitioner and Breathwork facilitator. 

I got to the root cause of what was keeping me feeling like a dumpster fire: depressed, anxious, codependent, resentful, irritable and exhausted. Stuck. Worried. Taking care of others before myself. Worried what other people thought of me.

The key to it all was combining my loves: the science and the sacred. The evidence-base and the witchiness. 

I offer you these keys to your deepest healing through the Feminist Wellness Podcast. You’ll learn about your nervous system and the role it plays in your health, reparenting and inner child healing, alllll about codependency and how to take back your own mind so you can live your most intentional life. This is the deepest root-cause-medicine. This is where your liberation lies, my love.

No matter what you’ve been through, there is help. You can live the life of your dreams. And I’m here to show you how. Enjoy the show!