Polyvagal 101 & Nervous System Mapping
90-Minute Workshop with Beatriz Victoria Albina, NP, MPH, Life Coach
Join Beatriz Victoria Albina for this on-demand workshop where you'll learn the basics of polyvagal theory and how to regulate your nervous system.
90 minutes | $37 exchange
Your nervous system is in charge of keeping you safe. It's constantly scanning the world and deciding what’s friend and what’s foe — is that a lion about to attack or a sweet kitten ready for a cuddle?
Issues arise when your nervous system believes that things like a challenging conversation or unexpected email from your boss are life-or-death attacks, sending you into panic mode and causing dysregulation.
While these stress responses once served us humans long ago, they no longer serve us in our modern environments.
So, what can we do to help ourselves?
Watch this 90-minute workshope where I'll teach you how to regulate your nervous system and walk you through the basics of polyvagal theory.
Our autonomic nervous systems love us deeply and are in charge of keeping us safe. They are constantly scanning the world and are deciding what’s friend and what’s foe — what’s a lion about to murderate us, and what’s a sweet tabby cat ready for a snuggle.
Issues arise when our nervous systems believe that things like a challenging conversation with a partner, parent, kid, or boss is a lion attack in the making…
When our nervous systems believe that speaking our mind, stating our preferences, making decisions for our own lives (especially ones that other people might not be pleased by) are the path to Certain Death and Doom…
When our nervous systems believe that chaos is comfortable because we spent a lifetime walking on eggshells from our codependent, perfectionist, and people-pleasing habits, especially when that’s what was modeled for us in childhood…
Having awareness of and learning to bear non-judgemental witness to our habitual nervous system reactions, our triggers, allows us to create the internal safety to learn how to regulate ourselves — to take our foot off the proverbial gas of anxiety, stress, and worry, or to give our bodies a little activation energy when we feel depressed, shut-down, isolated, checked-out or defeated.
This is the work of mapping our nervous systems, which is vital for anyone looking to deepen their healing, and for those of us in the helping professions looking to help their clients learn how to regulate their nervous systems to:
- Connect with an embodied sense of calm and presence
- Stay grounded and centered in stressful situations
- Feel a deeper connection with themself and those they care about
- Step out of the pressure-cooker of perfectionism and people-pleasing
- Make decisions with ease and less self-doubt
- Move through life with more grace and self-love
- Create sustainable change beyond the cognitive solutions that thought work offers (and I love thought work… but it’s not enough when the nervous system is activated)
- Reparent their Inner Children so their lives are no longer being run by upset and worried kiddos
- Be a more loving, accepting and caring member of (your) family, community and the world by hitting pause on that automatic reaction that leads you to take things personally, get offended and blame yourself or others for the way you feel
- So we can all live more vibrant, embodied and interdependent lives!
Register for access to this workshop where you’ll learn all the basics of polyvagal theory and how to map your nervous system.
90 minutes | $37 exchange
Ready to get regulated?
And just who am I to help you?
Beatriz Victoria Albina, NP, MPH
Trained as a Nurse Practitioner in the best program in the country - UCSF.
Trained at the Sensorimotor Psychotherapy Institute as a coach.
Masters Degree in Public Health.
Nervous System Nerd with training in the body-mind connection and somatics or body-based healing techniques.
Certified Breathwork Meditation Healing Facilitator
Certified as a Life Coach.
Worked in health and wellness for 20 years.
Former Primary Care Provider in busy urban clinics.
Worked in public health internationally and here in the US.
Practiced cutting-edge Functional Medicine.
Worked as a Hospice Nurse at the SF Zen Center Hospice