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Right now, you may feel anxious, defeated and stuck.


Hi! I’m Beatriz Victoria Albina, NP, MPH and I coach codependent, perfectionist and people-pleasing folks socialized as women to stop feeling anxious, exhausted and overwhelmed, so they can have better relationships with their partners, parents, and themselves.

Using somatics, or body-based modalities and nervous system regulation techniques based in evidenced practices like Somatic Experiencing, I help my clients to reconnect with their authentic selves, so they can make decisions with ease, can feel embodied or at home in their bodies, and can live lives they love.

I do this work because I spent the first 30 years of my life stuck in codependent and perfectionist thinking, my nervous system a dysregulated hot mess.

  • Being mean to myself, often without even realizing it.

  • Demanding "perfection" from myself, not knowing that I was already perfect and worthy of love (just like you).

  • Taking care of my partner, my parents, my work, my friends FIRST, leaving me with the measly crumbs leftover.

  • I spent my life giving away my time and energy, wondering why I was always so exhausted.

Does this resonate for you?

Do You wonder

  • Why you feel like you could never get this Adulting thing right.

  • Why your belly always hurts?

  • Why no one else takes care of you as you take care of them?

  • Why you feel so alone, in a relationship or a room full of people?

  • Why you can’t trust your own decisions in your life?

I felt allathis and so much more...

My energy, stomach, thoughts, and mood were a hot mess.

When it came down to it, I didn’t trust myself to show up for me in a real way.

So I mistreated myself in the most real of ways.

I dated people I knew were wrong for me thinking I could fix them, and stayed with them for wayyyy too long.

I worried endlessly about the future or the past.

And I had this sneaky, paralyzing belief that I was deeply broken.

I thought I needed someone to fix me - to put the broken pieces of myself back together.

The beginning of the end of this for me was realizing that I was that person, the healer I was looking for.

You know you’re smart, capable, and guided by Feminist ideals of equality and confidence...

...but at the end of the day, you put everyone else first, and yourself last. You crawl in bed at the end of the day without a flicker of energy to give to yourself.

Beatriz Victoria Albina on fire escape smiling right at camera

My most important credential ever is having learned how to love and accept myself as I am.

  • I trained as a Nurse Practitioner in the best program in the US (University of California, San Francisco).

  • I am a Master Certified Life Coach.

  • I have a Masters Degree in Public Health.

  • I am a certified Breathwork Journey Meditation Facilitator.

  • I've worked in health and wellness for 20 years.

  • I've worked in public health internationally and here in the US, and my darling, I've seen it all.

Sensorimotor Psychotherapy Institute
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I healed my wicked Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), chronic reflux/heartburn and adrenals, through Functional Medicine, smart nutrition and most importantly, by learning how to regulate my nervous system (let’s hear it for the Polyvagal Theory!) to get my body out of the fight, flight and freeze so I could digest, rest, and learn how to manage the thinking that took me right back into that panic place.


  • That panic place of dating people who I knew were wrong for me.
  • That panic place of living from my anxious and avoidant attachment.
  • That panic place of staying in a job that had stopped being healthy for me.
  • That panic place of feeling exhausted, overwhelmed and irritable for 30 years.
  • That panic place of never feeling comfortable in my own skin.

And I’m so excited to share what I’ve learned with you, my love.

Because you don’t have to live a life you don’t love.

You can live your life on your own terms.

I help smart humans like you to understand the ways your childhood programmed you to feel less-than, searching, lost, and rolling around in codependent and perfectionist thinking.

And I’ll show you how to take back your life, your power, your independence, your body, and your brain, so you can re-parent yourself with radical self-love and radical compassion.

Beatriz Victoria Albina Breathwork Meditation Facilitator

Meditation and mindfulness have been life-savers for me, so I made you a set of beautiful meditation downloads that I'd love to share with you for free, because you're so worthy of love and care.


What sets her apart from the rest is her genuine concern and respect for those she treats. I can’t express how grateful I am for her warmth, patience and understanding in her treatment of my father. Thank you Beatriz Victoria!

Functional Medicine Physician
Roslyn, NY

Toshi Reagon photographed at her home in Brooklyn, NY on January 13, 2011.

Photo Credit: Erica Beckman

I can not say enough how much I appreciate Beatriz Victoria. Her knowledge and innovation around nutrition, western medicine and holistic medicine make for a winning combination.  Beatriz Victoria made my health issues visible and my health solutions attainable. She is with you step by step on the journey.

Artist, Musician
New York, NY


Beatriz Victoria is this refreshing combination of a holistic healer and medical professional wrapped up in a cloak of ancient female wisdom and modern herbal/food science. You get more out of one hour of coaching with her than many visits to a traditional therapist or doctor.

Fashion Designer
Los Angeles, CA


Beatriz Victoria is a godsend. She sees the whole person and wants to get to the root cause of what’s wrong for you. I’ve sent so many people to her over the years, and everyone walks away happy. In short she’s a gem. I just wish there were more practitioners and life coaches like her!

Life Coach
San Francisco, CA