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Always wondered what it's like inside my program Anchored?

You're not alone! I get tons of questions about life in Anchored.

So I'm pulling back the curtain and sharing all the details.

AND! I'm inviting a few past clients to give you the inside scoop about how Anchored changed their lives.

Info Session: All About Anchored

Maybe you're new to thinking about codependency...

Maybe you've always known you were a perfectionist but didn't really know if never really thought there was anything you could do about it...

Maybe you do all the self-love-stuff but don't speak up when you want to, don't really know what you want and need...

Then you're not going to want to miss this free call!

My love, do any of the following describe you?

  • You feel anxious about making decisions or putting yourself out there.
  • You put everyone else before yourself.
  • You have trouble starting things — even things you desperately want to do.
  • You’re trapped in oh-so-familiar, self-destructive cycles.
  • You're ready to stop feeling stuck, but you don’t know how.

In my 6-month course Anchored: Overcoming Codependency, I coach codependent, perfectionist and people-pleasing women to step out of anxiety, exhaustion and overwhelm, so they can have better relationships with their partners, parents, and themselves.

If you’re ready to break away from anxiety and codependent relationships so you can have a life full of joy and confidence, this is the program for you.

Here’s what you’ll get with Anchored:

  • Weekly neuroscience, somatics and psychology-based audio lessons.
  • Weekly empowering live coaching calls with Victoria.
  • A virtual community to connect & get coaching from Vic between calls.
  • Habit-forming weekly handouts, journal prompts, and exercises.
  • A monthly one-hour virtual self-love breath-work group.

Curious to learn more?

Watch this behind-the-scenes look at Anchored, where I'm joined by alumni who share all about their experiences in Anchored.

Watch the replay!

Life coach Victoria Albina in a pink jumpsuit, smiling while sitting at a table

About Victoria

Hello hello my love!

My name is Victoria Albina and I’m a certified life coach, holistic nurse practitioner, and breathwork facilitator with over 20 years of experience in health and wellness. I have helped hundreds of women to heal themselves: mind, body and spirit.

My most important credential is having healed myself from a lifetime of being sick, sad, anxious and of course: codependent. I was riddled with self-doubt, shame, guilt and put other people’s opinions above my own. I didn’t set boundaries and I didn’t know how to even start. I had wicked Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), exhausting anxiety and depression, and a boatload of adrenal yuck. And through it all, I didn’t even realize that codependent thinking was a major root cause of my physical and mental health struggles.

I thought my mind and body were the problem — I had no clue they were also the solution.

Sound familiar?

Finally, I got sick and tired of being so sick and tired and I learned how to heal myself. And I've helped so many folks to heal themselves using the methods I'll show you in this live coaching session.

Ready to learn more?

Fill out the form below to get the the All About Anchored session sent right to your inbox!

Ready to learn about this life-changing experience?
Fill out the form below to get the replay!