Posts by Victoria Albina
Ep #113: Of Course They Did!
How often do you find yourself wishing someone in your life was different than who they are? In codependent thinking, we frequently wish, will, and want other people to live by the how-to guides we have for them, but my love, this is simply not kind to you or them. So if you spend your…
Read MoreOf Course They Did: A Tool for Accepting People
Back in the mid-90s my sister, Maria Eugenia, and I came up with this super helpful way of navigating the world together. We didn’t realize we were coming up with an absolutely brilliant coaching tool but we were! So this tool is a way to live in true acceptance of the people in our lives…
Read MoreEp #112: Listener Q&A Volume 2
Getting the opportunity to be in conversation with you folks is always such a delight, and I always love it when you send in questions you’d like for me to answer on the show. This is exactly what we’re doing this week as I bring you another listener Q&A episode! I’m all about supporting you…
Read MoreEp #111: Curiosity
When did we lose that energy of passion, excitement, and curiosity we were all born with? Babies are all about not knowing and curiously learning, and we seem to have lost that going into adulthood, with defensiveness and the fear of not knowing taking over instead. When we’re living with codependent, perfectionist, and people-pleasing thought…
Read MoreCuriosity Rules: Why It’s so Important to Get Curious
Humans are such funny animals. We are born these wildly curious creatures who put literally everything we can reach into our mouths. We explore the world with this passion and excitement. We are born soooo curious, so comfortable in not knowing anything. Curiosity is powerful. It helps us live with a big open heart, trust…
Read MoreTop Tips to Heal a Codependent Friendship
You can be codependent in relationships other than romantic ones. It is common for folks with codependent thinking habits to bring those same habits to our friendships. What do you do if a friend doesn’t give as much as you do, if you feel taken advantage of in a friendship, if a friend doesn’t text…
Read MoreEp #110: Codependent Friendships
One of the most frequently asked questions I’ve been getting lately is this; can I be codependent or have codependent relationships other than romantic ones? The answer to that is very much yes, and we’re talking specifically about friendships today. Does it feel like your friend never gives as much as you do? Or do…
Read MoreSomatics 101: Learn Transformative Somatic Practices
The field of somatics is where this bodymind connection is studied and explored and given the space to be felt and understood. It can be summarized as Susan McConnel says, in the felt shift from “I have a body” to “I AM my body.” The changes that I see in my clients when we bring…
Read MoreEp #109: Somatics: Living From Your Neck Down
A narrative I hear often from the people I work with and a story that definitely resonates with me is that of feeling like we’re living in our brains, disconnected and out of touch with our bodies. When we’re living with codependent, perfectionist, and people-pleasing thinking, this chronic outward focus has us busy worrying about…
Read MoreWanting a Goal vs. Wanting a Feeling
The kind of thinking, “I’ll be happy when,” can be so problematic because of what it does to the now. It takes us out of this present moment, our present feeling. It posits the thought error that you will feel something different when your circumstances change. It’s disempowering and leads to so much suffering now…
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