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Do you dread the holidays?

Are you anticipating all the ways your family and/or friends will push your buttons?

Do you resent them for crossing invisible lines you’re too scared to communicate?

Do you always put others first?

The holidays can be a wonderful time of the year, filled with joy and happy memories from childhood. However, especially if you’re on the path of healing and reparenting yourself, this time of year can throw up some real challenges.

Of course, 2020 presents a whole new set of complications as the pandemic continues and our normal ways of celebrating are interrupted.

Even though you may not be gathering in person, that doesn't mean your social limits won’t still be tested over the phone or Zoom.

Maybe you’re also dealing with some major guilt-tripping after you broke it to your folks that you won’t be attending in person, even though you explained it’s for everyone’s safety.

If any of the above sounds like you... you're not alone!

A lot of us learned in childhood that the best way to stay safe was to acquiesce and bend over backwards to make sure everyone else was happy.

We learned to people please, to be a perfectionist and to NOT set boundaries for ourselves.

While this may have served you as a little one, it no longer serves you as an adult.

And it’s holding you back from enjoying your one precious life.

I'm here to show you a new way.

Ready to learn how to set healthy boundaries and be your calmest, most self-aware self throughout the holidays?

Sign up to get the replay right to your inbox!

I’m here to teach you how to set healthy boundaries so you can take stop dreading the holidays and finally RELAX!

You’ll learn:

  • Why boundaries are a necessary part of relationships
  • How to define boundaries that are neutral and helpful
  • Why neglecting to set boundaries because we want to be perceived as “nice” will only lead to resentment
  • The consequences of pushing the limits of your boundaries instead of acknowledging them and working within them
  • Why you can’t be too prepared when it comes to your boundaries at this time of year
  • What do do when someone violates a boundary of yours
  • What happens when you don’t follow through with your boundaries
  • How to be gentle with yourself when learning to st your boundaries
  • victoria albina life coach smiling in front of birch trees small.jpg

    Hello hello my love!

    My name is Victoria Albina and I’m a certified life coach, holistic Nurse Practitioner and Breathwork facilitator with over 20 years in Health & Wellness. I have helped hundreds of women to heal themselves: mind, body & spirit.


    My most important credential is having healed myself from a lifetime of being sick, sad, anxious and of course: codependent. I was riddled with self-doubt, shame, guilt and put other people’s opinions above my own. I didn’t set boundaries and I didn’t know how to even start. I had wicked Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), exhausting anxiety and depression and a boatload of adrenal yuck. And through it all, I didn’t even realize that codependent thinking was a major root cause of my physical and mental health struggles.


    I thought my mind and body were the problem - I had no clue they were also the solution.


    Sound familiar?


    Finally I got sick and tired of being so sick and tired and I learned how to heal myself. 

    And I've helped so many folx to heal themselves using the methods I shared on my live webinar and you can get the replay with just a few clicks!

    Ready to change your life?

    To live with confidence, health, and happiness?

    To improve your relationships with your parents, your partners, your boss, your kids and most importantly, with yourself?


    You have nothing to lose other than the old habitual thoughts that are holding you back, and keeping you stuck and stagnant.

    Enter your information below to get on the replay list

    then head on over to your email to confirm your address.

    See you soon!