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Ditch codependency.
Get Anchored.

Anchored is a 6-month group coaching program that has helped hundreds of folks heal their nervous systems so they can take back control of their lives.

This is the only program of its kind that combines somatic practices, thought work, and breathwork — it's all of the science and and all of the woo!

Ready to live a more embodied life with less anxiety, stress, and resentment and more ease, confidence, and joy?

It's time for you to join Anchored.

You're not new to self-improvement.

  • You’ve read all the self-help books people rave about.

  • You’ve tried meditating.

  • You’ve created that morning routine that (supposedly) makes people successful.

  • You’ve stuck with talk therapy through thick and thin.

  • But you’re still feeling frustrated, detached from your body and yourself, worried, or anxious, and you know your relationships can be moore peaceful and less stressful but you just don't know how to make change...

You're ready to make the lasting, sustainable change that Anchored offers.

You're ready to take this 6-month journey into self-discovery bolstered by a loving community of like-minded expansive humans are just as excited to live an embodied, joyful life as you are.

Anchored is the only program combining Thought Work and Somatics because: 

  • Talking through your problems isn’t the answer when your Nervous System is activated - in Anchored you'll learn how to map your Nervous System so you can regulate it and can live a less-reactive life, with more joy, ease and peace.

  • When you live your life from the neck up, you need a body-based solution so you can learn to witness, allow and act to change the stories written in your body - this is what you'll learn and practice in Anchored.

  • We are all running on our habituall, conditioned thinking from our familly of origin and the patriarchy - in Anchored we break it all down, and build it all back up again, with love, compassion and care.

  • Once you are in touch with your habitual thinking and emotions, you can retrain your brain using the power of neuroplasticity to believe new things - I'll show you how.

  • You are not stuck or broken, defective or a problem - Anchored is based in this truth.

  • You are your own best medicine. You have the power to heal your mind, body, and spirit.

  • And now, on the other side of my own codependent, perfectionist and people-pleasing thought habits, I can say that I have a deep belief in you and your power to change the disappointing, destructive, self-sabotaging patterns that keep you from the life you want. Who better to show you how than someone who has been where you stand?

managing other peoples emotions

Ready to change your life? Ready to take back your power? You couldn't have better timing.

Join us now for the June 2023 cohort of Anchored: Overcoming Codependency!

Anchored is a life-changing 6-month community based coaching program.


The program is high-touch, high-results and high-fun (!!) and comes with:


  • Weekly live coaching calls with me for 6 months where you can get 1:1 coaching on whatever is up in your life - totaling over 26 hours together PLUS bonus calls with expert coaches and thought leaders
  • Weekly audio and video lessons where you'll learn how to manage your mind, do Thought Work like a champ, and the somatic practices you need so you can start to live in your body in a real and powerful way - not just from the neck up - totaling over 30 hours
  • The audio modules are all transcribed for more accessibility
  • Everything can be downloaded to your phone so you can do the course at your own pace and participate on the go - let's keep this easy and not-perfectionist-y, right?!
  • An online private community on Slack (not on Facebook!) where you can get coaching right from me every weekday (over 6 months of daily opportunities to get coached by me on whatever isn't working in your life - wow, right?!)
  • Daily practice in mastering the science and psychology-based Thought Work Protocol
  • Nerdy science lessons all about the nervous system and polyvagal along with somatic (body-based) practices you can start to use right away to stop living from the neck-up so you can bring more embodiment, peace, calm and equanimity into your life
  • Handouts, journaling prompts and worksheets to support you each week in making the lessons meaningful in your own life
  • Monthly Breathwork Journey Meditation Sessions (7+ hours with me)
  • Meditations, somatic practices and other surprises (like dance parties! lots of dance parties!)
  • Plus a special bonus course on managing your time because as codependent thinkers we so often give our time away without even realizing it - it's time for you to Reclaim Your Time!

The investment for this life-changing program is $10,000 and payment plans are available at no added cost.

You don't have to take my word for how amazing and life-changing the Anchored experience is!

Click on the videos below to hear all about Anchored right from past participants


The big aha moments and life changes happen where science and the sacred meet.

Together in Anchored, we’ll study your feelings AND your nervous system, I’ll give you meditations AND practices rooted in evidence-based neuroscience, and I’ll guide you through somatic processes to help your mind and body become calm, clear and connected.


As a licensed Nurse Practitioner with a Masters in Public Health, Certified Life Coach and Breathwork Meditation Facilitator, my approach is a holistic hybrid of healing.


All the nerditry + all the woo.


Because they both matter, and they both have so much to teach us, so you can change your habitual responses to recognize your capacity for true self-love and can make choices that empower a life on your own terms.

What's Inside the Program?

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Weekly neuroscience, somatics and psychology-based audio & video lessons.

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Weekly empowering live coaching calls with Beatriz Victoria PLUS special guest experts.

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An intimate virtual community (on Slack, not FB!) to connect to the community & get coaching from Vic between calls.

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Habit-forming weekly handouts, journal prompts, and exercises.

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A monthly 90-min virtual self-love breath-work group.

When you join Anchored now you'll get these exclusive special bonuses:

  • Monthly live group Breathwork Journey Meditation sessions each month until your cohort begins including a guided lesson on how to do this transformative practice and access to my curated Breathwork playlists
  • A guided sleep meditation made by me, only available within Anchored
  • Audio modules and journalling questions about Codependent Thinking to start your Anchored journey now
  • Invites to fun group events like our upcoming Dance Party! (can you tell I'm jazzed about dancing with you?! Cause I am! Healing can be fun - I promise!)
  • Early access to bonus calls with experts like:
    • Maisie Hill  - Menstrual Health Expert, Master Certified Life Coach and author of the international best sellers Period Power and Perimenopause Power
    • Dr. Ellen Vora, MD - holistic psychiatrist and author of The Anatomy of Anxiety
    • Genie Albina, MEd - Interdependent Parenting Coach (and my sister!)
    • Sara Fisk, MC - Master Certified Life Coach and People-Pleasing Expert
    • Dr. Laura Paris, DLac - Feldenkrais Somatic practice Expert
    • Lisa Candera, JD - Autism and Special Needs Parenting coach
  • Maggie Reyes, MC - Master Certified Life Coach and Sex/Love/Marriage Coach
  • And so much more!
maggie reyes
Ellen Vora, MD
TaVona Denise
Maisie Hill
Lisa Candera
Judith Gaton

Let's get started!

With Empathy and Understanding, I'll help you...

Move from stuck to taking motivated action.

Live with radical, unapologetic, ever-present, self-love.

Rediscover and engage with your passions.

Break the inter-generational cycle of codependent thinking.

Fully step into the power that’s been hiding away inside you.

Identify patterns and behaviors that make you feel stressed, fatigued, or sad.

You need an expert guide who has been where you stand.

I'm the gal for you.

You need an expert guide who has been where you stand.

I'm the gal for you.

I coach codependent, perfectionist and people-pleasing women to step out of anxiety, exhaustion and overwhelm, so they can have better relationships with their partners, parents, and themselves.

Get my support for 6-months through my high-touch, high-results life coaching program.

The investment for this program is $10,000 and payment plans are available at no added cost.

I was held back by my habitual people-pleasing & perfectionist thoughts too, and overcoming codependency is possible.

I was held back by my habitual people-pleasing & perfectionist thoughts too, and overcoming codependency is possible.

this course is for you if...

You wonder why

  • You feel anxious about making decisions or putting yourself out there.

  • Your belly always hurts.

  • No one else takes care of you as you take care of them.

  • You can't trust your own decisions in your life.

  • No one truly understands you.

  • You feel so alone, in a relationship or a room full of people.

this course is for you if...

You've thought to yourself

  • I keep choosing the same people who don’t give me what I need while I give them everything. How can I trust anything I do?

  • I am so scared of the future, but can’t stop thinking about the guilt and shame of past.

  • Why do I always date the wrong person? It is me? Am I broken?

  • I’ve given every ounce of energy to everyone other than myself and I don’t know why.

  • My life is so full of anxiety and I'm stuck in these oh-so-familiar self-destructing cycles.

  • I’m so stuck, how do I get out of this and just be happy!?

this course is for you if...

You find yourself

  • Cringing when your mom texts.

  • Panicking when your boss asks to talk with you.

  • Feeling guilty when you take care of yourself.

  • Picking fights to feel heard.

  • Numbing and buffering against your feelings with TV, alcohol, overthinking, worrying... you name it!.

  • Feeling ready to make change but you just don't know how to get started and how to make that change LAST.

  • Ready to be in a community of like-minded people who GET YOU and the things you're going through

Are you ready to take back your body, your mind, and control of your life? Join the cohort starting June 2023!

I learned how to retrain my mind and body, you can too.

I learned how to retrain my mind and body, you can too.

It's time to...

Ditch self-destructive patterns that no longer serve you.

Find the power and focus on what brings you joy in life.

Free yourself of anxiety, worry, and exhaustion.

Realize, and celebrate, that your brain and body aren’t the problems: they are the answer.

Wake up every morning with a restored faith in your decisions.

Root your life in self-love that blooms into health and joy.

Beatriz Victoria Albina, NP, MPH

life on your terms might look like:

  • Having firm and loving boundaries with family, at work and everywhere in your life.

  • Feeling calm when your boss asks to talk with you.

  • Feeling good about taking care of yourself.

  • Setting smart, guilt-free boundaries with partners, friends, family, and at work.

  • Listening to your body’s signals and to know exactly what you want and need without shame.

  • No longer suffering by repeating your unintentional thoughts.

  • To feel heard without picking a fight.

  • To trust your gut feeling about your life.

  • To know the one thing that you can control is your own mind, and that only you get to choose your thoughts and feelings.

  • To no longer seek to numb your feelings with TV.

You know in your heart and mind that you’re smart, capable, and guided by Feminist ideals of equality and confidence, but you need someone with you to show you have to use that power to transform the relationships with your parents, partners and most importantly: with yourself. You’re sick of slapping a band-aid on your codependence and a mantra on your anxiety. Your cup can be full and your self-trust and self-worth can be restored by the power within you.

In this 6 month, intimate online coaching group program, you will learn to trust your intuition, ditch your codependency, and manage your mind so you can flow through life knowing that no one can take your health and joy away from you. 

Not even you...

This is the medicine you've been searching for.

Fancy degrees and certifications? Got em.

And... my most important credential ever is having learned how to love and accept myself as I am.

Fancy degrees and certifications? Got em.

And... my most important credential ever is having learned how to love and accept myself as I am.

Just who am I to help you?

Beatriz Victoria Albina, NP, MPH

  • Trained as a Nurse Practitioner in the best program in the country - UCSF.

  • Master Certified Life Coach, trained at The Life Coach School.

  • Masters Degree in Public Health.

  • Trained in Sensorimotor Psychotherapy as a coach.

  • Nervous System Nerd with training in the body-mind connection and somatics or body-based healing techniques.

  • Certified Breathwork Meditation Healing Facilitator

  • Worked in health and wellness for 20 years.

  • Primary Care Provider in busy urban clinics.

  • Worked in public health internationally (Mexico, Nicaragua, Cuba, China & Mali) and here in the US.

  • Practiced cutting-edge Functional Medicine.

Our work together will give you the support and attention you need, and crave, to do the hard work of getting your life on track.

My promise to you through all of this: You will have the undivided attention of a trained and experienced professional who has your absolute best interest in mind, who has no agenda other than lifting you up towards your own goals.

The Anchored Familia and I will be with you every step of the way.

No guilt.

No shame.

No judgment.

Just love, understanding, kindness, accountability, thoughtful challenging questions, and some darn good coaching.

I'm so ready to drop the habits that are holding me back! I want to reclaim my joy and health and overcome codependency!

If you’re ready to shake your life up and deal with what is holding you back, to get unstuck, to move, to think and feel in a way that serves you, join us for the June cohort of Anchored: Overcoming Codependency!

The investment for this life-changing program is $10,000 and payment plans are available at no added cost.