Feminist Wellness is Hiring!
Join the Feminist Wellness
Led by founder Kara Loewentheil, KL Coaching, Inc’s mission is to empower women to undo the effects of evolutionary biology + social conditioning on their brains so they can create true authentic confidence from within.
We are committed to bringing more diversity, equity, and inclusion into the coaching and personal development industry by empowering BIPOC, women, and other marginalized groups to liberate their brains from oppressive belief systems and by modeling J.E.D.I. (Justice, Equity, Diversity & Inclusion) principles in our workspace. We especially encourage applications from members of historically marginalized communities.
Studies show that men will apply to jobs when they believe they meet 40-60% of the qualifications, while women will usually only apply to jobs when they believe they meet 90-100% of the qualifications. We encourage members of any marginalized group, including women, who question their qualifications when they are not at 100% to apply anyway.
We Pursue Liberation for All: We believe in interrogating systems that uphold oppression and marginalization and restrict the freedom of all people. We believe this practice starts with examining the way these systems have infiltrated our minds, and that we change the world by changing our thoughts first. We are committed to justice, equity, diversity, and inclusion in the work we produce and in the work culture and organization that produces it.
Integrity: We walk our talk and show up to lead and serve according to the same principles we teach. We are an example of the work and in alignment with our principles
Responsibility: We manage our minds and show up for the business. We never say “I don’t know” or “it’s not my fault.” We look for ways to take responsibility rather than to avoid it. We are 100% responsible for our jobs, the business, and our lives.
Excellence: We represent the best of the life coaching industry. We teach and coach and serve at the highest level. We don’t concern ourselves with what other coaches do and we never dumb it down. We operate at an advanced level and we trust our clients, contractors, and followers to rise to meet us. We raise the standard every day.