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A Virtual Hands-on, Somatic Workshop To Cultivate A More Loving Relationship With Yourself

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$37 exchange

When we grow up walking on eggshells, living with codependent, perfectionist and people-pleasing habits, our sense of self can get so Other-People-Focused that we lose touch with ourselves on every level.

We learn that feeling our feelings in our body is not the smartest choice… maybe it gets us mocked, scolded, told to stop being so sensitive, or we learn from our environment that we’re expected to buck-up, to stiff-upper-lip-it, to not show (and thus stop feeling) our full feelings.

And so it becomes harder, day after day and year after year to know

what you want, what you need, what you really feel...

So you start to live from the neck up.

Trying to solve every problem by overthinking it, ruminating on it, you lose touch with your body, your intuition, your felt experience of being alive in your body.

I know how it feels to think my feelings instead of feeling my feelings.

It was the only way I knew to get by in life....

I thought I was feeling my feelings because I was often anxious, worried, resentful, angry and happy too…

Or because I was telling the story that I was feeling sad or happy

but I was so disconnected from my body that I wasn’t feeling my feelings in a deep and powerful way, until I learned about somatics or body-based healing modalities.

connect to your intuition

When you are present in your body, you are able to ground yourself in new ways, to stay conscious, intentional, connected to your intuition, and you are able to pause to intervene and to advocate for yourself in real-time to help you:

Increase your awareness and self-trust so you never have to doubt yourself again

Make decisions with more ease when you’re choosing with your body, not just your mind

Set a boundary with less guilt and to stick to it when you get push-back

Recognize when you’re starting to get anxious, irritated, angry, frustrated or upset when it’s a 1/10 instead of a 473/10 so you can slow your roll and take care of yourself before you do or say something you regret

Feel more confidence and joy because you know what it feels like to have your own back

Speak your truth even when it’s soooo uncomfortable because you’ve learned how to sit with discomfort in new ways by being present with yourself

See most of the time we observe ourselves from the outside - thinking about where our shoulders are in downward dog, focused on where our hands are when we're carrying the dishes to the sink, noticing that our shoulders are slumped down when we’re feeling sad or thinking about how we’re feeling but that connection into our bodies is just not there anymore

It wasn’t for me, for sure, and it’s so often missing for my clients who are working to overcome codependent, perfectionist and people-pleasing thought habits.

Luckily, there is a way to reconnect with YOU and this work is SO vital if you want to learn how to live your life for you first, everyone else second, if you want to live a whole-hearted life the join me for…

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Tune Into Your Body, Tune Into Self-Love:

A hands-on, 90-minute somatic workshop to cultivate a loving relationship with yourself

$37 exchange

A 90-minute workshop with Beatriz Victoria Albina, NP, MPH, Holistic Nurse Practitioner, Life Coach and host of the Feminist Wellness podcast as she teaches you hands-on practical ways to cultivate a loving relationship with yourself by getting to know your own perfect body.

You will learn

  • Ways to support yourself through anxiety, stress and upset so you can come home to yourself no matter what is going on around you

  • Simple, accessible ways to listen to your intuition and your body’s signals

  • Polyvagal Theory 101

  • What your Window of Tolerance is and how to work with yours for greater mood and energy regulation

  • Practical, simple movements you can do to help you learn about and regulate your nervous system and emotions

Through somatic practices you can experience what it is to BE a body, not just to have one carrying your brain around…

So what’s holding you back from being connected to your body?

For me, it was not knowing how to live any other way.

And I didn’t realize how deeply it was impacting my life in every way.

Because when you block or buffer against challenging feelings and emotions, you cut yourself off from the fullness of life - it’s the yin and the yan of it - you need to know how to feel and process the painful feelings so you can experience the pure bliss, joy and passion of being truly alive, and truly present inside yourself.

Somatic practices teach us how to be aware of what we are doing, feeling, carrying inside ourselves by reminding us how to sense ourselves and be truly present with ourselves from the INSIDE.

And this shift from external-watcher to being profoundly present INSIDE myself has been nothing short of life-changing for me.

Getting to know my body somatically and really feeling embodied, present in my body, has been such a gift in my own life and healing journey after growing up with codependent thinking and life-long irritable bowel syndrome.

And the changes I see in my clients lives when we bring somatic practices into our coaching work is nothing short of mind-blowing.
Somatic practices have not only helped me in healing my chronic intermittent depression and anxiety, in living a fuller, richer, more embodied life.

By learning how to listen to my body’s subtle signals and how to love-up on my nervous system, my digestive and adrenal health have improved, from chronic daily heartburn and bathroom crises to a calmer, easier-to-manage gut.

If you’re ready to...

Start living in your body

Start giving your body the love and care you truly deserve

Feel your feelings all the way through so you can process and release them instead of bottling them up inside

Learn how to listen to and honor your intuition

Then join us for a 90-minute workshop with Beatriz Victoria Albina, NP, MPH, Holistic Nurse Practitioner, Life Coach and host of the Feminist Wellness podcast as she teaches you hands-on practical ways to cultivate a loving relationship with yourself by getting to know your own perfect body

Just who am I to help you?

Beatriz Victoria Albina, NP, MPH

  • Trained as a Nurse Practitioner in the best program in the country - UCSF.

  • Certified as a Life Coach with The Life Coach School.

  • Masters Degree in Public Health.

  • Nervous System Nerd with training in the body-mind connection and somatics or body-based healing techniques.

  • Certified Breathwork Meditation Healing Facilitator

  • Worked in health and wellness for 20 years.

  • Primary Care Provider in busy urban clinics.

  • Worked in public health internationally and here in the US.

  • Practiced cutting-edge Functional Medicine.