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Are you sick of putting other people’s needs ahead of your own? 


Are you prioritizing making sure everyone else is happy only to find yourself having made no time for yourself?


Is being at home with your family leaving you feeling irritable, exhausted, all revved up or shutdown?


Has a friend or family member, a therapist or trusted counselor told you you might be codependent?


Have you tried the meetings and the self-help books and not gotten the help, and change in your life, you were looking for?


I’m here to teach you a new way to unlearn and overcome Codependency.

Sign up for this free, exciting webinar below, and get the replay right to your inbox!

I’m here to teach you a new way to unlearn and overcome codependent thinking so you can take your life, your energy and your time back!

You’ll learn:

  • Simple steps to make decisions for yourself, without the guilt and shame and BS.
  • Science-based methods for stepping out of anxiety, and replacing worry with confidence, joy, and trust in yourself.
  • To know in your body and mind the boundary you want and need to set and to feel empowered to set it, and hold tight to it, even if it means someone isn’t pleased with you.
  • How to stop worrying about what other people think about you, your life and your decisions.
  • The power of the Think-Feel-Act Cycle and the daily practice of Thought Work: a proven nervous-system science-based method to take your life, your body and your mind back.
victoria albina life coach smiling in front of birch trees small.jpg

Hello hello my love!

My name is Beatriz Victoria Albina and I’m a certified life coach, holistic Nurse Practitioner and Breathwork facilitator with over 20 years in Health & Wellness. I have helped hundreds of women to heal themselves: mind, body & spirit.


My most important credential is having healed myself from a lifetime of being sick, sad, anxious and of course: codependent. I was riddled with self-doubt, shame, guilt and put other people’s opinions above my own. I didn’t set boundaries and I didn’t know how to even start. I had wicked Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), exhausting anxiety and depression and a boatload of adrenal yuck. And through it all, I didn’t even realize that codependent thinking was a major root cause of my physical and mental health struggles.


I thought my mind and body were the problem - I had no clue they were also the solution.


Sound familiar?


Finally I got sick and tired of being so sick and tired and I learned how to heal myself. 

And I've helped so many folx to heal themselves using the methods I shared on my live webinar and you can get the replay with just a few clicks!

Ready to change your life?

To live with confidence, health, and happiness?

To improve your relationships with your parents, your partners, your boss, your kids and most importantly, with yourself?


You have nothing to lose other than the old habitual thoughts that are holding you back, and keeping you stuck and stagnant.

Enter your information below to get on the replay list

then head on over to your email to confirm your address.

See you soon!