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antidotes to control

Antidotes to Control: Focus on What You Can Choose

It’s alluring to think we can control anything other than ourselves, that telling others what to do, how to do it, when, where, and why will help you to feel less out of control. But nothing could be farther from the truth, my love. Seeking control leaves you feeling out of control. There are ways…
Negative Self-Talk

Negative Self-Talk

We’ve all done it. we’ve all heard ourselves say, “Oh, I’m the kind of person who doesn’t eat vegetables, who doesn’t work out, who doesn’t finish what I started, whose always late, who doesn’t drink water, who always procrastinates, who gets angry at the drop of a hat, who’s always anxious, who is a workaholic,…
Understanding Your Desire to Control

Understanding Your Desire to Control

Control is the cousin of uncertainty thinking. This thought habit doesn’t serve you, my darling one, but comes from a place of self-love nonetheless.  While you can’t control the world, the thing you can control is so important to be conscious of. To have and hold at top of mind. And that, my darling, is…
Stress Response Cycle

Stress Response Cycle

Stress. We’re all awash with it in this day and age. We’re even more aware of it with everything going on right now. While our actual lives are rarely in danger, our bodies can feel like we’re about to be killed and eaten. And they respond how they’re supposed to be flooding our perfect little…


Uncertainty is in the air right now, along with fear, worry, confusion. Today, my darling, we’ll be talking about uncertainty and how you can support yourself now, as ever. Whether you’re reading this during the COVID-19 quarantine or long after, the central message and tenants are the same. Life is full of uncertainty and accepting…

Perfectionism: Keeping Your Enemy Close

Perfectionism is a mindset, a thought habit, often informed by your childhood and societal lessons. A belief that you are anything other than completely perfect and worthy of love exactly as you are. This thought habit can keep you chasing your proverbial tail, always trying to prove your worth to the world and to yourself.…
How to Stop Worrying for Good

How to Stop Worrying for Good

Few things are as ubiquitous as worry. We all say it. We all do it. And it steals your joy, my darling. Worry takes you out of the present moment and keeps you from taking action to make your life the intentional thoughtful life you dream of living. Today, I’ll be detailing the steps you…
Worry and Your Nervous System

Worry and Your Nervous System

Do you find yourself rolling around in worry, not taking action in your life or spinning in your thoughts about what a symptom or a situation could mean, feeling paralyzed by not knowing the future, spending your time now worrying about something that might happen, or might not? Worry is so common and it keeps…






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