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Perfectionism: Why B+ Work is Key to Healing

Perfectionism is a sneaky little thought habit indeed. It keeps us running in a perpetual hamster wheel of self-doubt, self-loathing, and never enoughness. So what is perfectionism? And how do we know if perfectionist thinking is what’s driving us? How can we distinguish goal- setting, ambition, desire, passion for our work, from perfectionism? Perfectionist thought…


Our society teaches us, in so many direct and insidious ways, that there is no need to sit with painful feelings. That you can pop a pill, have a drink, eat an indulgent food, fire off an email or a comment online and all those challenging feelings will just melt away. But the truth is,…
Intergenerational Codependency

Begin to Heal Intergenerational Codependency

Codependent thinking habits can be so ingrained in us that we don’t even recognize when we’re having them. Putting others before ourselves and caring more about what other people think of us than what we think of ourselves are classic signs of codependency. And while codependent thinking is so often thought to be the product…
Future Tripping

Future Tripping

  I’ve been thinking a lot about future-tripping, also called anticipatory anxiety. Those times when we get so lost in worrying about the future and playing out different future scenarios, often the most doom and gloom filled ones, that we lose out on today. This used to be my brain’s favorite distraction technique, to keep…
codependent habits

Six Surprising Codependent Habits

I lived the first 30 years or so of my life rolling around in codependent thought patterns and habits, until I realized how deeply this way of thinking and showing up in the world had seeped into my mind, into my thoughts and feelings, leading me to act in ways that I now see as…


Sleep, and lack thereof, is a major issue for our mental and physical wellness. When we don’t get enough sleep, it’s hard to show up with our best selves. To not be irritable, sad, angry, and brain fogged. If sleep is elusive in your beautiful life, if you’re getting in bed for enough hours but…
unconditional love

Unconditional Love: Because it Feels Good

One of the most important things I can share with you, my darling, is the power of unconditional love for yourself and all the people in your life. Unconditional love doesn’t mean self-sacrifice, or condoning, or approving of behaviors or beliefs that are in line with your own.  Unconditional love is a gift you give…
Intuitive Eating

Intuitive Eating

As modern humans with access to food on-demand, 24/7 supermarkets, and delivery services, there are endless options of foods to eat. There are also thousands of experts out there proposing their own ideas of the perfect diet for the average human. And those recommendations are often conflicting. Are nitrates good or bad these days? What…






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