Self-Compassion and Dead-End Thinking
Self-compassion. How many times have you heard that term and kind of rushed on by it? I know it took me years to truly understand what it means to have compassion for myself and to act with self-compassion, to see my own pain and to attend to it deeply and with care, the way I…
Hypothyroid Is a Feminist Issue
. As a functional medicine practitioner, I work with so many people who are beyond fatigued. Perhaps your energy is low, your zest for life is waning. Your memory feels less than dependable, brain fog is a daily drain. You’ve been to your primary care provider, maybe even endocrinologist and were told that everything was…
The Secret Sauce to Healthy Relationships
What does it mean to have a healthy relationship with other humans? Does it mean putting up with all their foibles? Does it mean putting your own needs last? Taking care of them first and making sure they’re happy? While all of that may be what you learned or what was modeled for you growing up,…
Future Self Planning
One of the lessons that has been life-changing for me comes from cognitive-behavioral science. It’s that we have thoughts based on our history, our experiences, our socialization, our fears, worries, and our thoughts create our feelings. We take action based on our feelings and those actions create our lived experience in this world. It is…
Positive Self-Regard: Believe in Your Inherent Worth
Your thoughts create your feelings, my darling. And if your brain is used to thinking that you are anything less than amazing and magical, then you will feel that same way. The truth is you get to decide what you think about you. No one else’s opinion matters. And when you think the very best…
Analysis Paralysis
When we don’t manage our minds, our minds manage us. When we don’t get clear on what we want first and foremost for ourselves, everything looks like a golden ticket, a great opportunity. Our vision is clouded and our health can suffer. In contrast, when you plan what you’re going to think ahead of…
Being Okay with Being Wrong: It’s Liberating!
Who amongst us likes to be told that we’re wrong? If you’re nodding along going, “Yeah, I love being wrong,” then you, my love, are in the minority of humans. And yet, when we’re working to improve our lives, to put an end to painful patterns like codependent thinking, self-doubt, anxiety, and to work towards…
Fatigue – Adrenal Edition
Our world has changed in amazing and disruptive ways in the last 20 years. The advent of cell phones and blue screens in every room has led to information and sensory overload. We’re eating more food-like products that are leading to more and more inflammation. Our bodies haven’t evolved to manage how much we’re being…