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Hack your Vagus Nerve

Hack Your Vagus Nerve to Feel Better: 14 Easy Ways

For folks with symptoms ranging from fatigue to depression and anxiety, digestive issues from IBS to SIBO to IBD, to brain fog and even food sensitivities, the Vagus Nerve almost always plays an important role in both sickness and healing, and needs to be supported so you can truly and deeply heal. What is the…
Sweetbreads Gaucho Style

Sweetbreads Gaucho Style

When I was a girl in Argentina (¡Que viva y viva!) one of my favorite things was our weekly Sunday Asado – a BBQ meat-fest of epic proportions. One of my favorite parts of Argentine Asado culture is that we honor the animal that gave us our dinner by using every single part – not just…
Pee Break Meditation

Pee Break Meditation: Your Sneak Attack on that Meditation Habit

We have all heard about the power of meditation: it’s calming, centering, lowers blood pressure, improves cognitive function, and makes us feel better overall. Meditation doesn’t just help us in the moment, the effects can be long lasting. In a 2012 study, Desborders et al. (2012)performed before-and-after scans on the brains of participants in an…
New Year's Resolutions

New Year’s Resolutions

Failing to follow through on a New Year’s Resolution may be a near universal experience. Who among us hasn’t set some lofty goal on January 1st only to find that we have slipped into our old habits by mid-March? Apparently, all the cute gym clothes and good intentions in the world aren’t enough to transform…
Managing Social Pressure to Eat Food that Makes you Feel Terrible

Pizza, Cake and Booze: Managing Social Pressure to Eat What Makes You Feel Terrible

“Come on, just ONE piece of cake!” “Have a drink – it’s Friday night, and we’re all drinking…” “Seriously, that gluten stuff is BS – how could a piece of toast hurt you?” We’ve all heard this kind of often-well-intentioned cajoling around food, alcohol and jumping off bridges. This kind of social pressure to eat…

Sauerkraut: Easy Probiotic Recipe

While I think there is certainly a place for probiotics in a pill form, and often recommend them as part of a treatment plan, there is a special magic in homemade fermented foods, such as sauerkraut, kim chi, kombucha, fermented root vegetables like carrots or daikon. There is a complexity of good bacteria in fermented…
Rewriting you Story

Life Coaching: Rewriting Your Story and Living Your Best Life

After years of struggling with my own health concerns, and not getting the help I needed from conventional allopathic doctors, I studied herbalism and western medicine, and learned how to heal myself. In 2008, I realized that the psychological aspects of my care were not being addressed, and so I started working with a life…
Bone Broth is Medicine

Bone Broth is Medicine

For most people, “broth” is just the base that you use for making soup. But, what if I told you that the bone broth nutrition facts show us that it is one of the most nourishing and mineral-rich foods that you can eat? In fact, bone broth reviews and studies have made it the cornerstone…






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