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The Power of Yet

The Power of Yet

Do you have big dreams for your life? Do you imagine a future in which you set healthy boundaries, don’t take on other people’s emotions, do what you want to do, not what you feel obligated to do to keep others happy? Do you dream of quitting your job, starting your own business, going to…
Belief in yourself

Believing in Your Goals, Believing in Yourself

Here we are, but a few little minutes away from New Year’s, and the potentially crushing weight of that silly tradition of New Year’s resolutions, which let’s be real, just don’t work. Don’t lead to real change in our lives, and particularly for my perfectionist thinkers out there, I see you. The fantasy-level resolutions our…
learn to celebrate small and big wins

Why Celebrating Matters: Celebrate Small and Big Wins

How often do you find yourself saying something like, “Well, I mean, not to brag but here’s this amazing thing I did?” How often do you hear someone you love put a disclaimer like that before their own achievement? How often do you pause to recognize and celebrate just how amazing you are, the effort…
Empaths and Other People’s Emotions

Empaths and Other People’s Emotions

Do you identify as an emotional empath? I hear my clients say that they are so often emotionally exhausted by the world because as an empath, they absorb, take on, and feel all the feels and emotions of everyone around them. Like a firehose of emotion that’s constantly turned on within them, flooding them with…

Pleasure: Why You Need It and How to Receive It

We talk a lot here, you and I, about healing. About learning to manage our adult minds, about reparenting our perfect inner children. We use thought work to shift and change our ways of thinking about our lives, to live with intention. And all of that is enormously important. And it is so vital in…
radical self responsibility

Radical Self-Responsibility

How often do you procrastinate on a project and then blame someone else for it not getting done when in fact, you didn’t do it because you spent the afternoon buffering on social media? How often do you talk about how the things you commit to just don’t get done, or how someone else made…
Listener Q&A Volume 1: Boundaries and Interdependence

Listener Q&A Volume 1: Boundaries and Interdependence

For this listener Q&A series, I will dive into boundaries, interdependence, kindness, and housework.  The first question comes from Megan in Colorado. She writes,  “Hi Vic, I love the podcast and it’s been so helpful. I’m writing in because I need your help. I’m new to setting boundaries and it feels scary. And I don’t…

Overthinking Doesn’t Make You More Prepared

Have you ever stayed up late at night thinking about something that happens the next day because you feared you weren’t prepared enough for it? Rolling around and thinking and overthinking and worrying. Maybe it was a test, a work presentation, an event you planned, a conversation you need to have. Have you ever agonized…






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