Why Complaining Never Helps
Complaining, especially chronic complaining, can be less than helpful. We will dive into what it does to your brain and some alternatives or remedies to help you navigate the moments in life where things aren’t what you want them to be. So you can take courageous action for your life. For those of us with…
False Positivity
If you spend about two seconds on social media these days, you may notice the pervasive story that everything is just fine, thank you. This is called false positivity. Now, don’t get me wrong. I love positivity and positive thinking, but unless we’re being realistic and acknowledging and holding space for the pain and the…
Getting Real About How You Are Feeling
Perfectionist and codependent thought fantasies can lead us to think that if we are feeling terrible, there’s a problem to solve. That drive to try to make everything look perfect can lead us to not acknowledge when things do in fact totally suck, when things are actually not great. And that drive itself creates so…
Saying What You Mean & Believing Other People
When you’ve lived a life that’s been all about other people and their comforts, happiness, preferences, pleasure, saying what you do and don’t want can be challenging to say the least. When you’re not used to directly communicating, it can also feel very challenging to believe people and what they literally tell you. Whether what…
Rejection Has Nothing to Do with Your Worth
Rejection hurts because science. Evolutionarily speaking, my nerds, if you got kicked out of the village, you died. A lion ate your face and it was game over. So if you were vigilant to social rejection, you survived. If you were smart, you people pleased and upheld your perfectionist standards and you kept the community…
6 Steps to a Healthy and Meaningful Apology
We apologize to reconnect, to repair, to stitch back together the net of relationships that was made weaker by something we said or did. We apologize because love and peace and understanding feel amazing, and being radically honest with ourselves and those we love about where we’ve F’ed up is so freeing. To do that,…
Guilt Guilt Guilt! Helpful vs. Unhelpful Guilt
It’s normal and human to F up, to make a mistake, to not do a thing you said you’d do. But for many of us, not measuring up to some internal standard of perfection leads to a spiral of guilt. The kind of guilt that leads us to be unkind to ourselves, to beat ourselves…
Living with Intention: Create the Life of Your Dreams
Living with intention means learning every day how to begin to live your life for you on your own terms and to turn all those dreams into reality. It means choosing to live your life in a way that is aligned with your truth, your authenticity, your desires, your sense of purpose and sense of…