Posts by Victoria Albina
Ep #76: Acceptance and Closure
Welcome to the final installment of my mini-series on apologizing. Over the last few weeks, we’ve taken a really deep dive into the anatomy of apologies and mastering the language of apologies, and today, I’ll be sharing what to do if someone won’t accept your apology, how to accept an apology yourself, and how to…
Read MoreHow to Apologize: Mastering the Language of Apologies
Apologizing is such a complicated topic for those of us with codependent, perfectionist, and people-pleasing thought habits. Our brains got wired early to protect and defend our sometimes fragile-feeling sense of self by not taking responsibility and pushing away the notion that we could do something that someone else doesn’t like, or is offended or…
Read MoreEp #75: Mastering the Language of Apologies
When we live with the thought habits of codependency, perfectionism, and people-pleasing, it can be really challenging to own up and apologize when an apology is due. Our inner children are so desperately trying to protect and defend us that it keeps us from seeing the harm we’ve done to others, and the harm we’re…
Read MoreThe Dangers of False Pre-Apologizing
Do you find yourself apologizing for having needs and wants? For setting a boundary? For taking care of yourself? Do you over-justify those needs and wants along the way? Do you apologize for things that just don’t need an apology like being a human with a human body or a woman with an opinion? So…
Read MoreEp #74: The Dangers of False Pre-Apologies
How many situations have you found yourself apologizing for simply stating a need or want? Do you over-justify those needs and wants, or even apologize for things that don’t need an apology? My sweet beauty, this is what we’re discussing today because this is something I sure did and so many of my clients do…
Read MoreAnatomy of an Apology
There is a quiet epidemic I’ve noticed in my life coaching clients and saw in my patients, particularly my patients with GI issues. An epidemic of shame and guilt that keeps folks feeling small and from living into our truest power. That epidemic is summed up in two words, “I’m sorry.” I want to talk…
Read MoreEp #73: 6 Steps to a Healthy and Meaningful Apology
My beauties, welcome to part two of our mini-series all about apologies. This is such a vital topic to discuss at length, especially if you experience codependent, perfectionist, or people-pleasing tendencies, to start the process of living a truly intentional and peaceful life. We kicked off last week with why we apologize and the anatomy…
Read MoreEp #72: Anatomy of an Apology
Welcome to the first episode of a multi-part series on apologies. This is a huge topic, especially for those of us who have codependent, perfectionist, and people-pleasing thought habits. Whether you find apologizing challenging or uncomfortable, or whether you fall on the other end of the spectrum where the challenge is to stop constantly apologizing,…
Read MoreAccepting Our Racist Biases
For many White and White-passing folx starting the working of becoming anti-racist, we become so scared ? to do or say the wrong thing that we don’t do the work because we get stuck in that activated fear body. And that’s where the work needs to start, to learn to be okay with being…
Read MoreCo-regulation
Co-regulation is a vital human function. Co-regulation happens when our autonomic nervous systems attune to another person, and there is an energetic exchange that helps both creatures to get into ventral vagal, to feel safe, secure and grounded in the moment. I say creatures because while most of us think of this as…
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