Ep #32: How We Communicate with Ourselves
How we talk to ourselves impacts how we see the world and our place in it. Unsurprisingly, most of us are walking around with self-talk that’s not serving us, often stemming from thought patterns we picked up as children or from difficult past experiences. By replaying these negative tapes in our minds – “I’m not…
Read MoreEp #31: Communication
Communication. It’s a relatively plain-sounding word for something that encompasses so much of what we humans spend our time, energy, and thoughts on! Because communication is such a core part of what we do to connect with ourselves and other humans, I wanted to dedicate a three-part series to the topic. So keep your eyes…
Read MoreEp #30: Healing Codependent Habits
Building on last week’s episode about codependency, today we’re talking about codependent thinking – a thought pattern that grows out of this behavior and shapes our relationship to ourselves and others – and how to move out of those patterns. When our brains are used to codependent thinking, we’re used to hanging our self-worth and…
Read MoreEp #29: Codependent Thinking
Connection is a vital ingredient for a healthy, happy human life. Our relationships with others can be uplifting and fun in good times and safe havens in tougher ones. But it’s important to remember that relationships of all types should consist of autonomous people coming together to respect and support each other – rather than…
Read MoreEp #28: Giving Emotional Consent
Last week, we talked about emotional consent and why asking people if they want your input before speaking can be such a supportive practice. Building on that, today we’re talking about the opposite side of this interaction and being the person who’s sharing. If your conversational partner asks you for emotional consent before sharing their…
Read MoreEp #27: Getting Emotional Consent
Have you ever wanted to talk to a friend about a problem – not because you wanted advice, but just to vent – and they jumped immediately into telling you how you should handle the situation? Or have you ever done this to someone else? It doesn’t feel very good to be on either side…
Read MoreEp #26: Reparenting In Action
Reparenting ourselves is one of the most healing, transformative things we can do for our overall wellness. Understanding and tending to wounds that have been affecting us since childhood requires patience, self-compassion, and daily dedication – but I promise this process is so worth it. It can be hard to know where to start with…
Read MoreEp #25: Reparenting Your Inner Child
All of us experience scary, unsettling, or patronizing events when we’re children – often many times. Kids are incredibly sensitive to both sorrow and joy, and it makes sense that our early impressions of these emotions (and the experiences that are linked to them) stick with us well into adulthood. And sometimes, the adults in…
Read MoreEp #24: Emotional Adulthood
As adults, we sometimes do things that seem totally out of alignment with our grown-up sensibilities. Like flipping someone off in traffic, or having a meltdown about missing the train that’s supposed to take you to yoga class, or snapping at your family for being vaguely annoying. These are great examples of moments where we…
Read MoreEp #23: Emotional Childhood
If you’ve spent any time around kids, you’re probably familiar with their general fear of being in trouble, getting yelled at, etcetera. Think of a kid sneaking some dessert before dinnertime – they’ll claim that they didn’t, even with crumbs all over their faces. In response to their fears, they don’t take responsibility for their…
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