Exercise for Mental and Digestive Health
We all know that exercise is super important for our overall health and wellness. Research is showing this to be true for our digestive and mental health too. I’ll testify: every part of me feels soooo much better when I take the time and energy to move my body, to stretch, to connect inward, to…
Natural Remedies for Seasonal Allergies: 10 Tips to Make the Season Easier
As spring and summer are approaching, the days are getting longer and warmer, which is a delight for most humans who just slogged through winter. But if you are an allergy sufferer, this can be your most challenging time of year. The warmer weather sparks the trees, plants and flowers to start to grow and bloom… and…
Prebiotic Resistant Starch to Heal Leaky Gut and Support Colon Health
Probiotics are important, but PREbiotics may be even more helpful for digestive and mental health. Learn some easy, affordable ways to add PREbiotic resistant starch to your diet!
The Truth about IBS and IBD
Picture this: Allison had been gassy, bloated and had what she casually referred to as “completely unpredictable, irrational and rude bowels” since middle school. After being constipated for days, Allison experience 3-4 days of diarrhea, sometimes with cramping or pain throughout her belly. An adult now, Allison had quit ballet and karate in high school…
SIBO Begone: 5 Easy Ways to Keep Your SIBO From Coming Back
One of the things I always warn every SIBO patient about is the tenacity of SIBO and its cousin SIFO (small intestine fungal overgrowth). If you’re dealing with chronic constipation, diarrhea, gas and bloating, you may have gotten a diagnosis of Irritable Bowel Syndrome or IBS. However, studies are showing that one of the…
Castor Oil: 5 Benefits to Using this Ancient Remedy
Castor oil has been around for centuries. The Egyptians first used it about 3500 years ago to combat dry eyes. The oil is still used by some ophthalmologists today to relieve symptoms associated with dry eye disease. However, I wouldn’t recommend you pour pure castor oil on your eyes after a night of binge-watching Netflix.…
Histamine Intolerance: Not As Simple As Allergies
It's suggested that between 1% and 4% of the population has a histamine intolerance. This condition is often looks like a food allergy, but can’t be detected by most food allergy tests. People with histamine intolerance deal with a barrage of unexplained symptoms that don’t make much sense to them and their health care providers, but continue to make life pretty difficult.