B12 and Mental Health: It’s Not All in Your Head
We all want to live healthier, happier and more fulfilled lives. To be the best versions of ourselves. But how can we if we feel tired, anxious or depressed - using our last bit of energy to try to feel “normal”?!
Leaky Gut and The Depression-Gut Connection
Do you know that mental health issues like depression and anxiety can be linked to the health of your gut? When the gut lining isn’t strong enough to do its job, we’re dealing with leaky gut. In other words, increased intestinal permeability. This is often due to imbalances in good and bad bacteria and can…
Gluten Cross Reactions: When Your Body Thinks Non-Gluten Foods are Gluten
Maybe you’ve been working hard at eating gluten-free, but you’re still experiencing symptoms of gluten exposure. You’ve put down the bagels and turn down the pancakes and yet you still have brain fog, digestive issues, headaches, and fatigue. You could be having gluten cross reactions. Even if you aren’t eating gluten you may be sensitive…
Brain Fog Got You Lost? 9 Easy Steps To Clear The Air
Brain fog is a serious issue that western medicine has few answers for. You don’t have to suffer with brain fog - your body is just letting you know that there’s an imbalance that needs to be heard and healed.
Soaking Beans, Seeds and Grains to Reduce Lectins, Optimize Digestion and Nutrition
Properly soaking beans, seeds and grains is just one key to making them digestible.
Natural Remedies for Cold & Flu
It’s that time of year. Winter is upon us. With less sun exposure, less fresh in-season fruits & veggies, and with most of us spending more time indoors, coughing on each other and sharing germs, colds are bound to rear their ugly heads. Common Cold 101 The common cold is a viral infection of the upper respiratory…
Life Coaching: Rewriting Your Story and Living Your Best Life
After years of struggling with my own health concerns, and not getting the help I needed from conventional allopathic doctors, I studied herbalism and western medicine, and learned how to heal myself. In 2008, I realized that the psychological aspects of my care were not being addressed, and so I started working with a life…
Sole Water for Adrenals, Fatigue & Mood Boosting
Magic Morning Series: SOLÉ WATER It’s so easy to feel busy in this day and age – so many folks where busy as a badge of honor, and we gogogo without stopping. I get it – we’ve all had those moments when it feels like the day is just slipping away from me, and I…