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Your Wants & Needs in Relationships

Your Wants & Needs in Relationships

Understanding the difference between wants and needs can be a challenging line to walk from our codependent habits. We don’t believe that we can meet our needs so we expect everyone else to do it for us, and if they don’t meet our needs, they’ve failed us. We’ll discuss wants and needs in relationships—romantic, friendship,…
The Emotional World of Wants and Needs

The Emotional World of Wants and Needs

We conflate wants and needs so often and I don’t think it’s very good for our wellness, our mental health. So biologically, as human mammals, we have the need for oxygen, glucose, you know, food, calories. We need water, shelter, love, community, safety. These are the things we need to survive and thrive as humans.…
Let Your Wants Be Your Guiding North Star

Let Your Wants Be Your Guiding North Star

Wants are the “it would be rad to have it” things, not the things that sustain life. I want to truly deeply celebrate our wants and our needs, but first, I want to share six reasons why it matters that you, that we, from our codependent, perfectionist and people pleasing habits get in touch with…
remedy for all-or-nothing thinking

How to Overcome All-or-Nothing Thinking

Starting to recognize when we’re in old habits, like all-or-nothing thinking, is so vital if we want to change them. So we can start to live our lives in emotional adulthood and not in emotional childhood. And to do so, we need to raise our awareness so we can challenge our long-held belief that all…
all-or-nothing thinking

All-or-Nothing Thinking, Codependency and Perfectionism

Following closely behind the season of bountiful buffering, as I’ve come to call the holidays, is New Year’s resolution time. It’s this time of magical thinking that says tomorrow, New Year’s day, I shall awaken a wildly new and different person with completely different habits that I will complete with utter perfection day after day…

Navigating Food During the Holidays

Dana Monsees is a dietitian, nutritionist and body image, body love coach. She does phenomenal work to help folks both figure out what the best foods are for them, what nutrients support them, and drop the shame stories about food. Drop the stories that can be so moralistic. Some foods are good, some foods are…
5 love languages

The 5 Love Languages & Thought Work

As someone who reads, thinks and talks a lot about relationships, I think it’s high time that we talk about the 5 love languages, which is a framework for thinking about how we give and receive love popularized by Gary Chapman in his 1992 book, which has been a NYTimes bestseller for about 10,000 years…
letting people be wrong about you

Letting Other People Be Wrong About You

I want to talk about the magical secret to joy that is found in letting other people be wrong —about you, about science, about fashion, about astrology, about what they heard you say, what they’re interpreting what they heard you say to mean—about all of it. This matters because it’s a big topic for us,…






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