Posts by Victoria Albina
Ep #65: Self-Confidence
It’s pretty common for most people to think that self-confidence is either something someone is born with or repeatedly taught in their childhood or something that comes with achieving external success. My love, no one is just born with self-confidence. It’s something that everyone can have, and my goal today is to show you how…
Read MoreSelf-Confidence: How to Believe in Yourself
Self-confidence is this funny thing. It can seem like some people are just born with it and some of us, well, just aren’t. Some of us may come off as quite gregarious on the outside, but inside may spend our lives second- guessing, doubting, questioning ourselves. My love, no one’s just born being self-confident. Self-confidence…
Read MoreInner Child
In childhood, we learned to survive, to please our parents, our teachers, to label our behavior internally as either all good or all bad and to make it mean something about us as beings. We learned to think in black and white ways because that’s what children do, and to judge ourselves where we fell…
Read MoreEp #64: Letting Go of Resentment
If you’re like most humans who are moving through life with codependent or perfectionist thought habits, you’re most likely no stranger to resentment. Whether it comes up for you when your partner keeps forgetting to take out the trash, or when a parent says something that upsets you, choosing resentment and holding onto it is…
Read MoreLetting Go of Resentment: It’s Not Personal
Resentment is a powerful siren song. For a moment when you feel hurt, it feels so good to blame someone else for how you feel, to tear them down, defending yourself. “She’s a monster,” you mutter under your breath. “She’s the worst.” But the thing about sirens is that they only lead your ship to…
Read MoreHow to Make the Right Decision & Release Indecision
Ever spent a sleepless night worrying about making a decision? Or not taken a leap because choosing to invest in yourself or stretch beyond what you’ve done before feels so scary? Ever heard yourself saying, “I don’t know how. I don’t know what to do. What if I make the wrong decision?” I get it.…
Read MoreEp #63: How to Make the Right Decision
Something I hear a lot from my clients is this struggle to make decisions, that there’s this air of nervousness around worrying about making the right decision, or even small ones in their day-to-day lives. If you resonate with this and find yourself often avoiding decision-making, this episode is for you. Codependency and perfectionism both…
Read MoreYou’re a Human Being Not a Human Doing
Self-love and self-care are such common buzzwords right now. If your social media feed is anything like mine, it’s full up on posts about self-care and the best ways to do it. And it often seems to involve lying on some perfect Grecian island with cucumbers on your eyes wrapped in seaweed as your…
Read MoreEp #62: Glimmers
Your world right now might be full of triggers as you’re quarantining at home with other people or by yourself. If you’re experiencing challenging thoughts or relationship patterns right now, this can feel like it’s negatively impacting your emotional and physical wellness, and so today, I’m sharing a concept that will act as an antidote…
Read MoreGlimmers: An Antidote to Triggers
The world right now can feel extra trigger-tastic as we spend so much time indoors, in our homes, with our partners, families, roommates, or on our own, in quarantine, a pandemic swirling outside. If you have codependent thought habits, or your quarantine pod is one where codependency, indirect communication, or other challenging relationship patterns are…
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