Posts by Victoria Albina
Ep #14: Buffering
Society teaches us that there’s no need to deal with any of our painful feelings. We can pop a pill, or go out drinking, or binge-watch Netflix if we’re feeling crappy. Rather than sitting with and sorting through difficult emotions, we can numb them constantly and pretend that they’re not there. Unsurprisingly, this isn’t an…
Read MoreEp #13: Future Tripping
Overthinking is such a sneaky, anxiety-fueling habit. When we overthink about the future – which I call future tripping – we can temporarily relieve our anxiety, because we think we’re going to be able to control the future. Which, once you think about it, is totally illogical – none of us can control every aspect of the…
Read More8 Nutrient Deficiencies That Cause Depression and Anxiety
Nutrients, vitamins and minerals are vital for maintaining your mental health. When these things are out of balance, symptoms like depression, anxiety and fatigue can rear their ugly little heads.
Read MoreEp #12: Sleep
Getting enough high-quality sleep is one of the single best things we can do for our bodies and minds. Sleep is when our body gets to go into rest and repair mode, so it’s important to do everything we can to support ourselves in getting enough of this glorious rest. Far too many of us…
Read MoreEp #11: Intuitive Eating
I’m a firm believer that food is the most important medicine we have. Food causes a variety of chemical reactions in the brain and body that shape not only our physical health, but our mental health, too. I also believe that it often feels difficult to practice a holistic approach to mental and physical health…
Read MoreIron Deficiency: Fatigue, Hair Loss and More
Iron Deficiency: Fatigue, Hair Loss and More
Read MoreEp #10: Hypothyroid Is a Feminist Issue
More than 20 Million Americans will develop a thyroid condition at some point in their lifetime, and millions of adults have thyroid conditions that are under- or un-diagnosed. Women are 5 to 8 times more likely than men to have a thyroid condition… and I see it every day in clinic: so many women don’t…
Read MoreExercise for Mental and Digestive Health
We all know that exercise is super important for our overall health and wellness. Research is showing this to be true for our digestive and mental health too. I’ll testify: every part of me feels soooo much better when I take the time and energy to move my body, to stretch, to connect inward, to…
Read MoreEp #9: Future Self Planning
One of the most life-changing things we can learn is that our thoughts create our reality. Learning this and embodying it are different, however, and to start living this, you have to become a dedicated watcher of your own thoughts and how they create your life. One of the exercises that helped me really concretely…
Read MoreNatural Remedies for Seasonal Allergies: 10 Tips to Make the Season Easier
As spring and summer are approaching, the days are getting longer and warmer, which is a delight for most humans who just slogged through winter. But if you are an allergy sufferer, this can be your most challenging time of year. The warmer weather sparks the trees, plants and flowers to start to grow and bloom… and…
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