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Why Feeling Your Feelings Is the Key to a Full Life

Does This Sound Familiar? Imagine this: You’re cruising through your day, and then, out of nowhere, something hits you. Maybe it’s your partner’s offhand comment: “I thought you’d already handled that.” Or your boss sends yet another 9 PM email. Or maybe it’s subtler—a look from your kid that stings. Suddenly, your chest tightens, your…

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Accepting Our Racist Biases

For many White and White-passing folx starting the working of becoming anti-racist, we become so scared ? to do or say the wrong thing that we don’t do the work because we get stuck in that activated fear body.⁠ ⁠ And that’s where the work needs to start, to learn to be okay with being…

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Co-regulation is a vital human function.⁣⁠⁣ ⁣ Co-regulation happens when our autonomic nervous systems attune to another person, and there is an energetic exchange that helps both creatures to get into ventral vagal, to feel safe, secure and grounded in the moment.⁣⁠⁣ ⁣⁠⁣ I say creatures because while most of us think of this as…

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Bypassing a Challenging Feelings Makes it SO Much Harder to Change

If you’re White or White-passing and you’re starting to do the work of becoming anti-racist, you may feel a sense of urgency to change your thoughts ?.⁠ ⁠ This is an attempt to create different feelings without really sitting with the painful ? truth.⁠ ⁠ It’s called emotional bypassing ⏭️.⁠ ⁠ And that simply doesn’t…

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Uncertainty is in the air right now, along with fear, worry, confusion. Today, my darling, we’ll be talking about uncertainty and how you can support yourself now, as ever. Whether you’re reading this during the COVID-19 quarantine or long after, the central message and tenants are the same. Life is full of uncertainty and accepting…

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Sleep, and lack thereof, is a major issue for our mental and physical wellness. When we don’t get enough sleep, it’s hard to show up with our best selves. To not be irritable, sad, angry, and brain fogged. If sleep is elusive in your beautiful life, if you’re getting in bed for enough hours but…

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Hypothyroid Is a Feminist Issue

Hypothyroid is a feminist issue

. As a functional medicine practitioner, I work with so many people who are beyond fatigued. Perhaps your energy is low, your zest for life is waning. Your memory feels less than dependable, brain fog is a daily drain. You’ve been to your primary care provider, maybe even endocrinologist and were told that everything was…

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Future Self Planning

Future Self Planning

One of the lessons that has been life-changing for me comes from cognitive-behavioral science. It’s that we have thoughts based on our history, our experiences, our socialization, our fears, worries, and our thoughts create our feelings. We take action based on our feelings and those actions create our lived experience in this world. It is…

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Analysis Paralysis

Analysis Paralysis

  When we don’t manage our minds, our minds manage us. When we don’t get clear on what we want first and foremost for ourselves, everything looks like a golden ticket, a great opportunity. Our vision is clouded and our health can suffer. In contrast, when you plan what you’re going to think ahead of…

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Fatigue – Adrenal Edition

fatigue and adrenal

Our world has changed in amazing and disruptive ways in the last 20 years. The advent of cell phones and blue screens in every room has led to information and sensory overload. We’re eating more food-like products that are leading to more and more inflammation. Our bodies haven’t evolved to manage how much we’re being…

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